Privacy Statement
The Yatton Moor Team Ministry takes the issue of privacy very seriously and we are committed to protecting and respecting our users' privacy. This Privacy Statement sets out our current data processing practices and should be read in conjunction with our Terms & Conditions.
If you have any queries or concerns regarding these practices, you should contact us using our Contacts Page.
- The Information we collect
The only circumstances in which we will provide any of your personal data to a third party for non commercial purposes are those contained in this Privacy Policy.
- Sharing of data
We may share data supplied by you (or collected about you) with other parts of The Yatton Moor Team Ministry.
- Disclaimer
YM may include interactive advertising for other businesses as part of the site operation. We may use, and provide to third parties, your contact details if you have given us permission to do so.
- Advertising
YM may include interactive advertising for other businesses as part of the site operation. We may use, and provide to third parties, your contact details if you have given us permission to do so.
- Legal jurisdiction.
All personal information and details are held on and processed by computers situated in the United Kingdom.
- Disclosure of data by order of a Court and Security
We reserve the right to communicate a Member's personal information as we hold to third parties who are empowered by regulation, statute or order of a court.
- Cookies
Cookies are not used on this website. (Cookies are small files used on many website to enhance usage of the site)
- The Data Protection Act
The information we hold is only used to maintain our local membership lists and to manage communication to our members. This information will not be passed onto other parties without the consent of the person involved.
You can obtain further information about data protection laws by visiting the Information Commissioner's website at
- Contacting The Yatton Moor Team Ministry (YM)
If you want to contact us to raise any questions about this privacy statement, or any general matters relating to, you can contact us using our Contact Page
Please use this address if you wish to request from us a copy of the personal data we hold about you. Please note that under English law we are entitled to charge you a fee for providing this service.
- Privacy and Personal Data
Our Data Privacy Notice can be found under "General Information - Reports and Downloads" ==> Data Privacy