Cleeve and Claverham MU is thriving with 18 committed members and a very active programme raising over £1,450 in the last year 2023 for good causes..
Activities are organised to help the young and the older members of both Claverham and Cleeve and to connect with other local MU groups. We organise the Christingle held in Holy Trinity each December and an annual Toddlers Picnic for local Toddler groups in July. Our Worldwide lunch open to all the village and other MU groups held in June each year is hugely popular. Every year we hold a Make a Mothers’ day lunch which is always very well attended. |
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The MU meets on the third Tuesday of each Month with a guest speaker and an interesting topic to enjoy and discuss followed by lunch together. | |
In the summer we organise an outing for our members and at Christmas a party is held at a local member’s house with carol singing round the tree. | |
We knit hats for the Mission for Seaman in Avonmouth. | |
We are an active group, hosting the Deanery meetings, organising our own wave of Prayer each January and a group of members always attends the Cathedral prayers at Wells. | |
We welcome new members, so if you are interested in joining us, please contact our Branch Committee Chair Andrea Stoddart through the Team Office. |